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Providing Quality Health Care To You And Your Family

Running at the Beach
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Pills on Spoons
Chart & Stethoscope

Energy Booster Drips

In today's world it can be challenging to keep up with all the demands and expectations. Sitari Medical Centre now offers a variety of IV Vitamin Therapy Drips that gives you that extra boost to keep you at the top of your game.

Physical Exams

Physical assessments that lead to a happier healthier you.

Purposeful formative assessments supports all standards, guides instructional decision, and informs targeted responses. It is an essential component of mastery - Lara Greenstein.

Lab Tests and Screenings

Put your health first. Regular visits allow you to keep on top of your medical needs and ensure you are always up-to-date when it comes to the important matter of your wellbeing.

Special Interests

Specific weight loss programs focusing on chronic illnesses such as Diabetes and Hypertension will be available on Thursday afternoons.

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